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Walls / Paredes



What is a wall?

Well we often think of the walls we have in our houses, but some of us see it a little different. One common example many of us have of it is the wall that exists in our brain. I mean the invisible one or ones that keeps us from learning things, the ones that prevent our brain from learning languages for example. So how can we break those walls that exist inside the human brain? The answer for that lies on the kind of walls that exist inside each one of us! For example if learning is difficult and slow that probably mean the wall inside is strong and thick; if learning is easy and fast that means the barrier inside is weak and thin. So in both cases we have to adapt ourselves to the environment surrounding us, we have to trespass that wall to overcome the learning difficulties the brain has. Our brain is a machine that is almost perfect and it learns things by the number of times we see or hear them. Sometimes we don’t feel like learning because of many things that cannot be explained. When that happens we need to be wise and not let our brain get lost due to the amount of information that it can process, we must have to control it in order to break the barriers.

Now let’s talk about the visible walls created by man, the ones that sometimes cannot be broken. We humans create walls that divide us, like border walls separating countries that keep people apart and make us colder towards each other. Walls that cut our freedom completely, like in a jail cell, that not often keep the bad people in and away from society. There are also the walls that keep animals in, like in a zoo, not able to move freely like in the wild. Not mentioning the walls that stop the flow of water, like the ones in a dam that change the course of nature for the benefit of some humans.

My take is do not create walls in your lives and keep the invisible walls always away whenever possible, be free and enjoy every moment of it. And don’t forget life is too short!



O que e uma parede?

Quando pensamos em parede, sempre pensamos nas paredes de nossas casas, mas alguns pensam nas paredes que existem dentro de nossas cabecas. Aquelas paredes que muitas vezes fazem o raciocinio um pouco mais complicado e dificil. As paredes que  existem em nossas cabecas sao invisiveis e que nao pensamos muito a respeito. Estas paredes fazem o aprendisado, principalmente de outras linguas, um pouco mais dificil! Quando o aprendisado e dificil, isto significa que a parede invisivel e maior e densa, quando o aprendisado e facil a parede e menor e menos densa. Em ambos os casos temos que aprender a controlar nossos impulsos para podermos transpor as barreiras que aparecem em nossas mentes. Por que o aprendisado ocorre quando escutamos ou vemos algo, aquilo fica gravado na mente e nao esquecemos com facilidade.

Agora vamos falar das paredes criadas pelo homem, aquelas que muitas vezes nao podem ser derrubadas, paredes criadas com a intencao de nos manter afastados uns dos outros, como nas fronteiras de muitos paises, e que nos tornam mais frios em nossos relacionamentos. Ha tambem paredes que mantem pessoas afastadas da sociedade, como nas prisoes. Ha paredes que mantem animais longe do seus habitates naturais, como nos zoologicos. Sem falar nas paredes que mudam o curso natural da natureza, como as barragens dos rios por example, para o beneficio de poucos.

Meu pensamento e o seguinte, vamos evitar criar paredes em nossas vidas e manter as que existem longe de todos nos sempre que possivel! Ate a proxima.