Reform 2
Hello everyone. How are you?
I’ve been very busy with my hobby lately!
Do you remember the second reform I started at home?
Well it is slow, but it is still going. I finished the walls, with the help of my daughters, and now I am working on the ceiling.
After the ceiling I will start painting the frames black and after that I hope to finish the floor.
I will keep you posted! Bye and enjoy the pics.
Reforma 2
Como estao. Tudo bem? Eu estouocupado com a reforma que inicie em casa. Voces se recordam?
Ela estadevagar, mas todavia esta indo!
Termineia pintura das paredes, com a ajuda de minhas filhas.
Agoracomecei a pintar o teto e assim que termina-lo, pintarei os rodapes e asmolduras das portas e janelas
Atualizareieste blog assim que o trabalhho avancar!
Fiquemligados e ate a proxima!