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Cost of living / Custo de vida


Cost of living

Do you know what ‘’cost of living” mean?

It means the cost of goods and services we need for our survival. Everything we spend our money with reflects in the cost of living of each individual. Do you worry about the prices of the things you buy?

I often go shopping with my family and I realized that now living got more expensive than before, just by checking the prices on the shelves at the supermarket. The prices of everything went up and we the consumers end up paying for it, no matter how difficult it is, consumers are the ones who have to pay for and try to cope with it.

I like doing some research before buying the things I need, it helps me save my money, but it seems like the prices of things are going up often and that makes it difficult to have control of the family budget. What about you? Do you go around searching for the best prices? It is very important not to shop at the first place you go, and also it is not good to shop at different places either, you end up spending more money.

Custo de vida

O que significa ‘’custo de vida”?

Significa o custo das coisas e servicos que necessitamos para a propria sobrevivencia. Tudo que compramos reflete no custo de vida de cada individuo. Voce se preocupa com os precos das coisas que voce compra?

Eu sempre vou as compras com minha familia e percebi que viver ficou mais caro do que antes. Os precos estao altos e o consumidor e que acaba pagando pelo auto custo de vida. Nao importa se esta caro ou nao, o consumidor e o que acaba pagando pelos altos precos, por que temos que sobreviver.

Gosto de pesquisar precos antes de comprar o que necessito, isto me ajuda a economisar meu dinheiro especialmente em momentos em que os precos estao sempre subindo. E voce faz pesquisa de precos antes de comprar? E importante nao comprar na primeira loja que entra, e tambem nao e bom comprar em muitos lugares diferentes tao pouco, o que nos faz gastar mais dinheiro.